
In evidence

17 July 2024 | Brussels (Belgium): International Conference on Digital Health Literacy

26 June 2024 | EU workshop: Towards country-observatories for vaccination promotion: the role of civic and patient organisations

25 June 2024 | #VaccinAction2024 First Training Event

20 June 2024 | Informing National Adult Immunization Strategies and Action in Germany and France

13 June 2024 Örnsköldsvik (Sweden): Certifying the sustainability of biological resources in the forest industry: a multistakeholder perspective

5 June 2024 | Health Rights in the EU: Third Age Citizens in Greece

19 April 2024 | Maximizing the societal benefit and lasting impact of clinical trials Increasing stakeholder engagement and empowering participants to FACILITATE the effective return of clinical trial data

12 April 2024 | Rome, Italy: Study visit for the exchange of good practices

24-26 March 2024 | Brussels (Belgium): “Mobilizing Policy Action. Prioritizing Vaccination in Long-Term Care” Expert Meeting

21 March 2024 | European Parliament, Brussels: Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe. Consensus Report launch event

20 March 2024 | European Parliament, Brussels: Celebration of the XVIII European Patients’ Rights Day

14 February 2024 | European Parliament, Brussels: Strengthening vaccination policies towards the European elections: from recommendations to concrete experiences

7-8 February 2024 | Warsaw (Poland): XVIII Patients’ Organisation Forum

17 January 2024| Limassol (Cyprus): Insight into vaccination hesitancy

10 January 2024 | Rome, Italy: Dialogue on AMR and Italy’s G7 Presidency

14 December 2023 | online, 11:30-12:30 (CET) – ECI communication network meeting

14 December 2023 |The value that vaccines bring in the AMR fight and why new-generation antibiotics alone cannot resolve the AMR crisis.

23 November 2023 | Brussels: ENGAGE final event

22-24 November 2023, Almeria (Spain): Summit on Life course Immunisation

17 November 2023 | Bruxelles (Belgium): EU seminar on intimate health conditions

14 November 2023 | Prioritizing care for high-risk COVID-19 patients in the EU: policy recommendations

13 November 2023| BioReCer Annual Stakeholders Meeting

6 November 2023 | Brussels (Belgium): “Saving energy through nudging - How can behavioural science be used to create energy saving incentives for end consumers?”

25 October 2023 | Italy: Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course

24-25 October 2023 | Brussels (Belgium): RE-energising Europe - Sharing ideas and knowledge

18-20 October 2023| Lisbon (Portugal): COLLABORATE SUMMIT 2023

27 September 2023 | France: Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course

26 September 2023 | Spain: Civil Society promoting vaccination across the life-course

14 September 2023 | Healthy living, healthy ageing: the burden of VPDs in the European adult population - what if we do nothing?

5-7 July 2023 | Athens (Greece): NUDGE project plenary meeting

Flagship initiatives

MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare”.

The idea to encourage a MEPs informal Interest Group focused on patients’ rights follows the widespread request of almost 100 civic and patient organizations sent to the EU Parliament to recognize officially the value of citizens’ initiatives, such as the European Charter of Patients’ Rights, based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the European Patients’ Rights Day, which has been organized every year on April 18th since 2007 at local, national and EU level.

Inter-Institutional Group “SDGs for well-being and consumers’ protection”

The Inter-Institutional Group represents the desire of the civil society to contribute to the SDGs and the Green New Deal, aiming to discuss and raise awareness on how the individual can give her/his contribution. In fact, we strongly believe that citizen and consumer empowerment should be the pillar of the transition towards a more inclusive and sustainable Europe.

European Patients’ Rights Day

Since 2007, to reinforce the principles stated in the European Charter of Patients’ Rights, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network took the initiative to launch the European Patients’ Rights Day, annual appointment to be celebrated each yearaccross Europe as a common occasion to inform, discuss and take commitments to improve patients’ rights in Europe and in each member State. The European celebrations of the European Patients’ Rights Day are always organized by Active Citizenship Network with the involvement and the support of the EU Institutions and hosted at the EU Parliament with its traditional format of a big multi-stakeholder conference focused on the role played by key actors in the decision-making process on health priorities. 

European Charter of Patients’ Rights

In 2002, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network, together with citizens organizations and PAGs from 15 EU countries, established the European Charter of Patients’ Rights. It lists 14 fundamental patients’ rights (+ 3 Rights of Active Citizenship), which each EU country must protect and guarantee. Drafted in 22 languages, it has become a reference for EU citizens’ rights in health care and a milestone for other EU Charters. All these rights, based on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (art.35), are crucial in matter of European citizenship and health-care services. Visit the special session of the website dedicated on it.

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